Derek N. Guyton FCA MAAA FSA

Contact Information
2900 N. Dunton Ave
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: 847-989-1065
Derek N. Guyton has more than 40 years of health care benefits experience in the insurance, employee benefits and consulting field. He recently retired after 30 years as a Partner with Mercer’s Health & Benefits business in Chicago. As one of Mercer’s most experienced health care actuaries, Derek led the active and retiree health care actuarial and financial services work for some of Mercer’s largest clients. In this role, he had extensive experience in forecasting, data analytics, health plan design strategy, underwriting and actuarial cost analysis for medical and prescription drug plans, and employee contribution forecasting and strategy. He was involved in the design, costing and establishment of some of the first Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) and Health Savings Account (HSA) plans. For two decades Mr. Guyton was part of Mercer’s health care actuarial leadership team and was responsible for Mercer’s consulting response to passage of Medicare Part D. He is an expert on retiree medical issues and has been frequently interviewed on retiree medical topics. Prior to Mercer, Mr. Guyton spent 10 years at Allstate Life Insurance Company in the Controller Department providing financial analysis and planning and Group Health, Life and Disability Actuarial Department providing pricing and experience analysis. Since 2006, Mr. Guyton has been involved with the Academy on several retiree medical topics. He was a member of the Actuarial Equivalence Retiree Practice Note Work Group in 2006, the Retiree Group Benefits Subcommittee of the Pension Committee of the ASB responsible for updating ASOP 6 released in 2014, and is currently a member of the Retiree Benefits Subcommittee. With the CCA, Mr. Guyton has been a frequent speaker at the annual meetings, a member of the Annual Meeting Program Committee and currently serves as the CCA Treasurer. Mr. Guyton graduated cum laude from Drake University with a BS in Business Administration, majoring in actuarial science. He is a Fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries (FCA) since 2005, a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) and Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA).


CCA Member Since 2005
Retiree Benefits Sponsors
AI Task Force
Annual Meeting Program Committee
Board of Directors
Compensation Committee
Healthcare Community Steering Committee
Membership Committee
Nominating Committee
Annual Meeting Program Committee
Annual Meeting Registration Task Force
Benefits - 401(k) Investments Committee
Benefits Committee
Board of Directors
Budget and Finance Committee
Charitable Giving Task Force
Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Communications Committee
Communities Committee
Continuing Education Committee
Continuing Education Innovation Task Force
Council of Committees
Engagement & Volunteerism Committee
Enrolled Actuaries Conference Program Committee
Gray Book 2.0 Task Force
Healthcare Meeting Program Committee
HFMA Task Force
Leadership Development Steering Committee
Leadership Manual Review Task Force
Membership Committee
Professionalism Committee
Public Plans Community Steering Committee
Public Plans White Paper 2.0
Public Policy Task Force
Smaller Actuarial Consulting Firms Steering Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Strategic Risks & Opportunities Task Force
Webinar Committee
Welcome Committee for New Members
White Paper 2.0 Steering Committee
Women in Consulting Community Steering Committee
Wynn Kent Public Communication Award Committee

606 - Lessons Learned From Starting and Running a New Consulting Business 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 30, 2024)

002 - Business Session & Naked Networking with Kari Mirabal 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2024)

5 Strategies to Songwriting aka Building Valuable Relationships 2023 CCA Annual Meeting (October 18, 2023)

Business Session & ChatGPT: Opening Bell for a New Era of AI 2023 CCA Annual Meeting (October 16, 2023)

Professionalism for Healthcare Actuaries 2022 CCA Annual Meeting (October 18, 2022)

Business Session With Keynote Speaker Dr. Tasha Eurich 2020 CCA Virtual Annual Meeting (October 19, 2020)

New HRA Regulations and What They Really Mean New HRA Regulations and What They Really Mean Webinar (January 08, 2020)

Developments in Large Carrier Networks and Emerging Specialty Services Part 4 2018 CCA Annual Meeting (October 24, 2018)

Developments in Large Carrier Networks and Emerging Specialty Services Part 1 2018 CCA Annual Meeting (October 22, 2018)

New Health Plan Market Entrants 2017 CCA Annual Meeting (October 23, 2017)

Specialty Drugs Conquer the World (If We Let Them) 2017 CCA Annual Meeting (October 23, 2017)

The Trend on Trend 2016 CCA Annual Meeting (October 26, 2016)

The State of Consumer-Driven and High-Deductible Health Plans 2015 CCA Annual Meeting (October 26, 2015)

Medicare/Medicaid 101 2014 CCA Annual Meeting (October 22, 2014)

Small Employer Health Plan Issues 2014 CCA Annual Meeting (October 21, 2014)

Can Savings on Health Management Programs be Measured? 2013 CCA Annual Meeting (October 22, 2013)

Trends in Pharmacy Benefits and Costs 2013 CCA Annual Meeting (October 21, 2013)

Don’t Get Caught with EGWP on Your Face 2011 CCA Annual Meeting (October 26, 2011)

Reform Reshapes and Retire Medical Enviroment 2011 CCA Annual Meeting (October 25, 2011)

Healthcare Reform Legislation – Other Perspectives Healthcare Reform Legislation – Other Perspectives (June 02, 2010)