Mitchell H. Hofing FCA MAAA FSA EA

Principal, Dexter Hofing LLC

Contact Information
Dexter Hofing LLC
200 Riverside Boulevard
Apt. 6K
New York, NY 10111
Phone: 6464770835


CCA Member Since 2010
Corporate DB/DC Expert Witness Retiree Medical FAS106 Taft-Hartley
Annual Meeting Program Committee

303 - M&A Activity with Multiemployer Liability Exposure 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2024)

108 - Withdrawal Liability - A Legal Perspective 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2024)

A Sour Mash-Up of Withdrawal Liability 2023 CCA Annual Meeting (October 16, 2023)

Dueling Actuaries 2022 CCA Annual Meeting (October 17, 2022)

Withdrawal Liability 2021 CCA Annual Meeting (October 27, 2021)

Recent Withdrawal Liability Court Decisions 2020 CCA Virtual Annual Meeting (October 20, 2020)

Withdrawal Liability 2019 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2019)

Withdrawal Liability - Beyond Assumptions 2018 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 10, 2018)

Choosing Discount Rates for Withdrawal Liability 2017 CCA Annual Meeting (October 23, 2017)

Discount Rates: Long-Term Funding <> Withdrawal Liability? 2016 CCA Annual Meeting (October 24, 2016)

Multiemployer Plans Workshop 2013 CCA Annual Meeting (October 21, 2013)