David R. Jarrett FCA MAAA FSA EA

Principal, Consulting Actuary, Gallagher

Contact Information
One Mellon Bank Center
500 Grant Street, Suite 2900
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2513
Phone: 412-394-3054
Fax: 412-394-4094
Email: david.r.jarrett@buck.com
CCA Member Since 2006
Corporate DB/DC
Joint Program Committee for the Enrolled Actuaries Meeting

The Game of At-Risk – Conquering the Issues of Your At-Risk Plans 2011 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 28, 2011)

Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about "At Risk" but were Afraid to Ask 2010 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 14, 2010)

PPA Funding Plans at Risk 2009 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 30, 2009)