John H. Lowell FCA MAAA ASA EA

Partner, October Three Consulting LLC

Contact Information
October Three Consulting LLC
307 Meadow Overlook
Woodstock, GA 30188
Phone: 770-235-8566
Fax: 404-745-0399
John Lowell is a Partner with October Three. Located in Woodstock, GA, he has more than 30 years of experience working with corporate and tax-exempt employers on the design, funding, compliance, and administration of retirement plans and executive rewards programs as well as frequently serving as an expert witness and expert consultant on retirement and executive compensation topics. John has served on the Joint Program Committee for the Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (Chair in 2010) and was the 2018 president of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, having served on its Board of Directors and Executive Committee. A frequent speaker at conferences, he has delivered more than 50 presentations at EA Meetings, CCA Annual Meetings, and SOA Meetings on a variety of topics. as well as delivering webcasts and periodically speaking to groups of accountants and attorneys. His writings have been widely published, most recently by Bloomberg/BNA.


CCA Member Since 2004
Corporate DB/DC Expert Witness General Management Investment Nonprofit DC Other Health Subset Other Pension Subset Other Practices Strategic Planning
Executive Compensation and Benefits Steering Committee
IAA Advance Committee
IAA Education Committee
IAA Liaisons
Nonqualified Subgroup - Pension Actuarial Resource Committee
Pension Actuarial Resource Committee
Annual Meeting Program Committee
Board of Directors
Budget and Finance Committee
Bylaws Review Task Force
Communications Committee
Communities Committee
Compensation Committee
Continuing Education Innovation Task Force
Council of Committees
Enrolled Actuaries Conference Program Committee
Health Provider Consulting Community Steering Committee
Healthcare Community Steering Committee
Healthcare Meeting Program Committee
Innovative Learning Task Force
Joint Program Committee for the Enrolled Actuaries Meeting
Leadership Development Steering Committee
Nominating Committee
Public Plans Community Steering Committee
Risk ASOP 2nd Exposure Draft Response Working Group
Smaller Actuarial Consulting Firms Steering Committee
Strategic Plan Task Force
Strategic Planning Committee
Webinar Committee
Welcome Committee for New Members
Wynn Kent Public Communication Award Committee

303 - M&A Activity with Multiemployer Liability Exposure 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2024)

What I Really Meant to Say 2023 CCA Annual Meeting (October 18, 2023)

Operating in Compliance With 409A in Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans 2019 CCA Annual Meeting (October 30, 2019)

CCA Business Session 2018 CCA Annual Meeting (October 22, 2018)

Exective Rewards Programs 2013 CCA Annual Meeting (October 21, 2013)

Executive Compensation in Today's World Executive Compensation in Today's World (October 09, 2013)

Dialogue with the Joint Board 2013 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 10, 2013)

Executive Compensation 2012 CCA Annual Meeting (October 22, 2012)

Dialogue with the IRS/Treasury 2012 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 27, 2012)

Dialogue with the Joint Board 2012 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 26, 2012)

Professionalism: "I Have a Friend Who" Traveling Seminar: The All-in-One Actuary (November 15, 2011)

Professionalism: ABCD Overview Traveling Seminar: The All-in-One Actuary (November 15, 2011)

Executive Compensation Issues 2011 CCA Annual Meeting (October 26, 2011)

ERISA Litigation Affecting DB Plans 2011 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 29, 2011)

Executive Compensation 2010 CCA Annual Meeting (October 27, 2010)

Reductions in Force and the Pain that Goes with Them 2010 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 13, 2010)

Annual Check-up and Late Breaking Developments 2009 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 31, 2009)

409A Update - The First Real Year 2009 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 30, 2009)

Hot Topics in Executive Compensation 2008 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2008)

“You Would Know This…” and Other Cocktail Party Conversations for Actuaries 2008 CCA Annual Meeting (October 27, 2008)

Non-qualified Potpourri 2008 Employee Benefits Spring Meeting (June 05, 2008)

Late Breaking Developments 2008 Employee Benefits Spring Meeting (June 05, 2008)

IRS Focus Group 2008 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 07, 2008)

Intelligent Design After 409A 2008 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 07, 2008)