John P. Barela ASA

Implementation Manager, Connect for Health Colorado

Contact Information
Connect for Health Colorado
3773 Cherry Creek N. Dr., Suite 1025
Suite 1025
Denver, CO
John Barela joined the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange as Health Plan Manager in April 2012. John became Implementation Manager in November 2012 and supports the design of the technology systems and back-office operations to ensure a well-functioning Exchange. He most recently served as an Actuary at the Colorado Division of Insurance, where he analyzed rate filing documents to ensure adherence to Colorado statutes and regulations and worked with multiple organizations to develop data standards and other rate-related outreach. He previously served as a private sector consultant at local and national actuarial consulting firms, providing expertise about a variety of insurance products including individual, small and large group commercial plans, Medicare Advantage and other public programs. He is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries. He holds a master's degree in mathematics from the University of Illinois and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and a Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of Colorado Denver.


Healthcare Community Steering Committee

Healthcare Exchanges Healthcare Exchanges (July 17, 2013)