Contact Information
146 mackenzie lane so
denville, NJ 07834
United States
Phone: 9734760688
Mark Shemtob is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (Society) and an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA in addition to being a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (Academy), Conference of Consulting Actuaries (Conference). Over a four-decade career he has provided actuarial and consulting services to employers with respect to a variety of retirement plans: both defined benefit and defined contribution programs. Mark is an active volunteer with the Academy, the Society, and the Conference addressing retirement programs and issues by serving on several pension related committees, engaging in publications on retirement security matters as well as participating in conferences. His particular area of interest is in the transformation from the defined benefit system to the defined contribution system and how this change impacts retirement as well as how the latter system can be improved to provide greater retirement security through the offering of plan provided income options. Mark is a Certified Financial Planner providing consulting services to retirees on personal retirement strategies. Mark earned his B.S. in mathematics from SUNY Albany and a M.A. in mathematics from Columbia University. He can be reached at
Defined Contributions Steering Committee
Enrolled Actuaries Conference Program Committee

DC Plans Retirement Income Options: Insured and Non-insured 2021 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 03, 2021)

Lifetime Income / QLAC 2019 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 10, 2019)

Lifetime Income Options 2015 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 14, 2015)