Travis Tate

Senior Director, Employer Clinical, CVS Caremark

Contact Information
CVS Caremark
Phone: 405-593-3289
As a Senior Director with CVS Caremark, Travis leads a national team of clinical pharmacists serving a variety of employer clients. Travis leverages his extensive experience as a client to influence the development of products and strategies within the organization and provide a client-focused approach to clinical account services for employer clients. Travis joined CVS Caremark in July of 2019 and has been in the pharmacy profession for over 10 years, with experience in both retail and managed care pharmacy. Prior to joining CVS Caremark, Travis served as the Chief Pharmacy Officer (CPO) for HealthChoice for over 5 years. HealthChoice is the self-funded health plan responsible for administering health, life, and dental benefits for active and retired teachers, state employees, and local governments in the State of Oklahoma. Travis also previously served on CVS Caremark’s Client Advisory Council and is an active member of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP). Travis received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University.

Prescription Drug Hot Topics 2020 CCA Virtual Annual Meeting (October 20, 2020)