James G. Berberian FCA MAAA ASA EA

Principal, Gallagher

Contact Information
Phone: +1 (404) 484-6103
Email: James.Berberian@Buck.com


CCA Member Since 2015
Cash Balance Accounting Workgroup
Enrolled Actuaries Conference Program Committee
Enrolled Actuaries Conference Program Committee
Joint Program Committee for the Enrolled Actuaries Meeting
R Training

503 - The Many Flavors of Accounting Standards 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 29, 2024)

101 - Late Breaking Developments 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2024)

Selecting and Supporting Accounting Assumptions 2024 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (March 13, 2024)

Plan Termination Lessons Learned and Looking Forward 2024 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (March 11, 2024)

Late Breaking Developments 2024 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (March 11, 2024)

Latest Developments in Mortality Analysis and Projections 2023 CCA Annual Meeting (October 17, 2023)

Experience Studies for Medium-Sized Plans 2023 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 05, 2023)

Rules of Thumb and Estimation Techniques 2023 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 03, 2023)

Measuring COVID Severity: What are the Odds and Ends? Measuring COVID Severity: What are the Odds and Ends? Webinar (November 30, 2022)

Problem Solving Roundtable: Saving Social Security 2022 CCA Annual Meeting (October 18, 2022)

Actuarial Profession Self Discipline 2022 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 06, 2022)

Effective Retirement Income Delivery in Changing Economic Environments 2022 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 04, 2022)

Cash Balance Plans for Large Companies 2022 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 02, 2022)

Improving and Saving Social Security 2021 CCA Annual Meeting (October 27, 2021)

Clients with Problems: How to Consult to Clients with Financial Challenges 2021 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 05, 2021)

Projections - Usage and Communication for All Practice Areas 2021 Enrolled Actuaries Conference (May 05, 2021)

Funding Strategies - Getting the Most Bang for Your Clients' Buck 2020 CCA Virtual Annual Meeting (October 28, 2020)

Teachers Never Die: Pub-2010 in Practice 2019 CCA Annual Meeting (October 30, 2019)

Late Breaking Developments 2019 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2019)

Q&N/As: The Known Unknowns 2019 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 09, 2019)

Variable Annuity and Benefit Plans 2019 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 09, 2019)

Credibility (Non-Mortality) 2019 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 08, 2019)

Public Sector Mortality: New Tables, Administrative Issues and Credibility Measures 2018 CCA Annual Meeting (October 23, 2018)

Mortality Regulations – How to Submit a Successful Request for Substitute Mortality 2018 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 10, 2018)

Mortality in All its Glory (Part 1) 2017 CCA Annual Meeting (October 25, 2017)

Memento Mori: The Mortality Assumption and New IRS Regulations 2017 CCA Annual Meeting (October 24, 2017)

Death and Taxes - The Realm of Mortality Credibility 2017 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 04, 2017)

Case Studies of Professionalism: Navigating the ASOPs 2016 CCA Annual Meeting (October 25, 2016)

What Have We Learned About Longevity: The Walking Dead? 2015 CCA Annual Meeting (October 28, 2015)

Cash Balance Plan Issues (Getting More Mileage With Your Hybrid Plan) 2014 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 25, 2014)

Rules of Thumb - Estimation Techniques for the Pension Actuary 2013 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (April 09, 2013)

Facility Closings and PBCG 4062(e) 2012 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting (March 28, 2012)