S. Aquil Ahmed FCA MAAA ASA EA

President, Actuarial Retirement Services, LLC

Contact Information
Actuarial Retirement Services, LLC
13128 Westbrook Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 202-486-0957
Email: aquil.ahmed@arsllc.org
Aquil Ahmed, EA, FCA, MAAA, ASA has over 25 years of consulting experience in the areas of funding, plan design, governance, compliance, employee communications, and pension risk management for single employer pension plans. Aquil is also experienced in assisting other actuaries with quality assurance, errors and omissions, and compliance with actuarial professional standards. Aquil is active in several organizations. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. A frequent speaker, Aquil has made many presentations on actuarial topics at various conferences. Prior to the launch of his own consulting firm, Actuarial Retirement Services, LLC., Aquil was a Worldwide Partner at Mercer. Aquil is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries, an Enrolled Actuary, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a member of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries. He is a graduate of the University of Karachi with a Master of Science degree in statistics.
CCA Member Since 2002
Corporate DB/DC General Management Nonprofit DC Retiree Benefits Retiree Medical FAS106 Strategic Planning
Board of Directors
Budget and Finance Committee
Bylaws Review Task Force
Membership Committee
Professionalism Committee
Smaller Actuarial Consulting Firms Steering Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Webinar Committee
Welcome Committee for New Members

Professionalism: Document Retention Professionalism: Document Retention (February 09, 2011)

How Have the New ASOPs Changed Your Practice? How Have the New ASOPs Changed Your Practice? (November 10, 2010)

Actuarial Communications and E-Mail Issues Actuarial Communications and E-mail Issues (January 28, 2009)