Donna C. Novak FCA MAAA ASA

President & CEO, NovaRest Actuarial Consulting

Contact Information
NovaRest Actuarial Consulting
156 W. Calle Guija
Suite 200
Sahuarita, AZ 85629
Phone: 520-908-7246
Fax: 772-673-0318

Donna has over 40 years of experience and is the leader of NovaRest consulting. Donna’s current consulting activities focus on supporting state and federal insurance regulators. She specializes in health care cost reduction, predicting the cost of health care insurance reform, as well as measuring the financial health of insurers, HMOs, and provider health care risk takers. She has worked with state regulators performing rate reviews and financial exam support. She led the project to write the NAIC Health Financial Analyst Manual and Health Reserve Guidance Manual. She has been engaged by regulators to review proposed business affiliations between health insurance entities.

Donna is currently the vice-chair for the Academy’s Individual and Small Group Health Committee and leads the Pricing Workgroup of the academy Health Entities Committee.


CCA Member Since 1998
Expert Witness HMOs Insurers Other Health Subset Software Development Sponsors Strategic Planning
Healthcare Meeting Program Committee

606 - Lessons Learned From Starting and Running a New Consulting Business 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 30, 2024)

506 - Tools for Data Analytics and AI 2024 CCA Annual Meeting (October 29, 2024)

Navigating the Future of Pharmacy Benefit Costs: Trends, GLP-1, and Gene Therapy 2024 CCA Healthcare Meeting (April 09, 2024)

Health Equity and Proactive Strategies 2023 CCA Healthcare Meeting (April 13, 2023)

Jeopardy , or Not 2023 CCA Healthcare Meeting (April 11, 2023)

Financial Reporting and Reserving in a Changing Healthcare Environment Financial Reporting and Reserving in a Changing Healthcare Environment Webinar (December 14, 2022)

Catching Up With Health Equity - What Are We Talking About? 2022 CCA Annual Meeting (October 18, 2022)