Andrea M. Sisko

Economist, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Svcs.

Contact Information
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Svcs.
Office of the Actuary
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244
Phone: 410-786-5555
Fax: 410-786-6371
Andrea M. Sisko is an Economist in the CMS Office of the Actuary (OACT). Since her arrival at CMS in 2004, Andrea has worked on several aspects of the National Health Expenditure Accounts, as well as OACT’s estimates of the financial, coverage, and national health expenditure impacts of recent health reform proposals. She has co-authored several peer-reviewed articles from the Office of the Actuary published in Health Affairs and the Medicare & Medicaid Research Review. Andrea has given numerous presentations relating to the National Health Expenditure Accounts. Andrea holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Business and Management from Dickinson College and a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Healthcare Cost Trends Healthcare Cost Trends (September 24, 2014)