Old is All the Rage: Longevity Annuities and Other Lifetime Income Possibilities Audio/Webcast


Session Handout

Old is All the Rage: Longevity Annuities and Other Possibilities for Providing Lifetime Income December 03, 2014 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM

Hear from insurance professionals and retirement consultants about the final Treasury regulations allowing longevity annuities in DC plans and what that means for the future of retirement plans. This is another effort in a series of steps taken by regulators to help supplement DC programs with many of the protections formerly offered by DB Plans. However, even with these efforts and a number of product innovations, there has not been much uptake to date from DC plan sponsors. At this session, the presenters discuss the current environment around longevity risk in DC Plans from several perspectives - consulting, legal, financial planning, and insurance - and address issues around what might be done to further implementation efforts.

Session Category: Cross Discipline
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50