2009 Enrolled Actuaries Meeting


Session Handout

001 - Funding Policy: Beyond Minimum March 30, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Plan sponsors rely on our profession to guide and inform their decisions. PPA forces us to confront the choice between minimum funding, which can lead to funding volatility and restrictions, and a long-term strategy to levelize funding but potentially lead to large funding surpluses. Come hear experienced practitioners discuss alternatives.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

101 - Measuring Assets and Liabilities - Basic March 30, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

If the basic rules for determining assets and liabilities under PPA don’t yet seem basic to you, come to this session to learn about the building blocks of the annual funding determination. Hear about which benefits to value and how to discount future payments under the new yield curve approach. Panelists review the mandated assumptions and methods, and explain where actuaries and plan sponsors still have discretion. Permissible asset methods are also described. If you already have a good handle on the basics of assets and liabilities, you should consider Session 102 -Measuring Liability - Advanced. (Repeated at Session 202)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

102 - Measuring Liability - Advanced March 30, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

If you’ve got a handle on the basics, this session takes a closer look at the liability calculations under PPA. Speakers at this session discuss considerations for choices in yield curve, mortality tables, and other methods and assumptions. This session also includes an overview of the at-risk liability calculations, but for a more detailed discussion of at-risk liabilities, please refer to Session 302. (Repeated at Session 201)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

103 - Participant Disclosure After PPA March 30, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

The speakers review required disclosure directly to participants with particular focus on the new regulations for annual funding notices. Speakers also review other disclosure requirements such as annual statements and relative value disclosure. Attendees should come away with the knowledge to help their clients navigate the complex communications and disclosure labyrinth.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

104 - Small Plan PPA Issues March 30, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

How does PPA affect optimal solutions for each client? New issues not previously experienced in small designs are discussed.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Small Plan Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.20 EA Non-Core: 0.60 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

105 - Backloading March 30, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

All DB plans must comply with backloading rules under Code Section 411(b)(1) (A), (B) and (C). New regulations, Rev. Proc. 2008-7 and dozens of court cases have awakened this issue. Panelists review basics and cover the many "gotchas," provide practical tips for testing and compliance, and explain the conflicts between judicial decisions and regulations.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

106 - PPA for Multiemployer - Basics March 30, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Panelists discuss the basics of the new PPA funding rules for multiemployer plans.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Beyond Corporate Retirement Plans
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

107 - New Qualifications Standards March 30, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

The revised Qualification Standards, effective as of January 1, 2008, were prepared by the American Academy of Actuary's Committee on Qualifications, and impact actuaries who wish to issue Statements of Actuarial Opinion (SAOs) in 2009 and thereafter. The Standards include changes to both the basic education and experience requirements, and the continuing education requirements. The latter is the most significant issue for Enrolled Actuaries and is relevant NOW since it affects our continuing education earned in 2008. Learn about these important new Standards, including how the limited EA exemption applies to you.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Professionalism and Policy
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

201 - Measuring Liability - Advanced March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

If you’ve got a handle on the basics, the speakers at this session take a closer look at the liability calculations under PPA. Panelists discuss considerations for choices in yield curve, mortality tables, and other methods and assumptions. Liability calculations for other purposes such as at-risk determinations are discussed. For a review of the more basic aspects of measuring liabilities as well as assets, see Session 101 and Session 202 - “Measuring Assets & Liabilities – Basic.” (Repeat of Session 102)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

202 - Measuring Assets and Liabilities - Basic March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

If the basic rules for determining assets and liabilities under PPA don’t yet seem basic to you, come to this session to learn about the building blocks of the annual funding determination. Hear about which benefits to value and how to discount future payments under the new yield curve approach. Panelists review the mandated assumptions and methods, and explain where actuaries and plan sponsors still have discretion. Permissible asset methods are also described. If you already have a good handle on the basics of assets and liabilities, you should consider Session 201 -Measuring Liability – Advanced. (Repeat of Session 101)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

203 - Funding Basics March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

The Pension Protection Act of 2006 rewrote the funding rules applicable to pension plans. Panelists review the basic rules (with examples) for determining the minimum funding requirement and maximum deductible amount for a single employer defined benefit plan. For those actuaries who already understand the new rules, but want to discuss more advanced strategies, see Session 402 and Session 501 (“Minimum Funding - Advanced Topics”) or Session 502 and Session 601 (“PPA Funding: Tactics and Strategies”). For those actuaries who are starting at the beginning Session 101 and Session 202 (“Measuring Assets & Liabilities – Basic”) and Session 102 and Session 201 (“Measuring Liability – Advanced”) are a great introduction to this session. (Repeated at Session 401)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

204 - 409A Update - The First Real Year March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

December 2008 has come and gone. We have regulations to tell us how to calculate included income. The panel discusses documentation problems, operational issues, and how to fix them, as well as how much income to include when the problems can't be fixed.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Nonqualified Plans
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

205 - PBGC Premiums After PPA March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

In addition to covering the basics of e-filing, this session delves into the new premium regulation: due dates, measuring unfunded vested benefits, reconciling estimated variable-rate premiums, etc. Small plan actuaries – please note, some of the special premium issues related to small plans is discussed in the “Small Plan” PPA session, but for a broad overview of the new premium rules, this is the session for you!

Session Category: Employee Benefits - PBGC/Plan Termination Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

206 - Current Issues w/ Public Employee Retirement Systems March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

An experienced panel of public plan actuaries discuss current issues in the public sector with a special emphasis on recent developments in plan design and funding. Topics include contribution rate stabilization techniques, actuarial assumptions, and conversions to, and from, defined contribution plans, as well as 403(d) and 457 plans.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Beyond Corporate Retirement Plans
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

207 - Recent Court Cases of Interest to Actuaries March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

This interesting session deals with ways to design and administer plans. A review of recent court cases provides insight on the consequences of improper plan design and administration.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - New Rulings/Development
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

208 - Cash Balance and Hybrid Plans (Basic Issues) March 30, 2009 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Recent legislation and regulatory activity have changed the cash balance and hybrid plan landscape. In this basic session, the speakers will discuss the technical aspects of cash balance and pension equity plans in light of PPA, including valuation issues, lump sum determination, age discrimination, and accrual rule backloading.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

301 - PPA Funding - Benefit Restrictions - Basic March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

The speakers cover the basic IRC 436 rules around benefit restrictions – what are they, when can they start and stop, what alternatives does PPA provide for avoiding them, when is the credit balance automatically forfeited to avoid benefit restrictions, and what are the implications of failing to timely implement or stop restrictions?

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

302 - PPA Funding Plans at Risk March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Maintaining a DB plan can be risky business under PPA. When a plan enters “At Risk” status, the new law imposes higher contribution requirements and restricts payment of non-qualified benefits. Our speakers discuss how to calculate At Risk funding targets, how to avoid becoming At Risk and what to do should you get there.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

303 - Dialogue with the DOL March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Speakers from the Department of Labor address topics of interest to actuaries. A major part of this session is an opportunity for meeting attendees to address questions and concerns to representatives of the Department of Labor.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

304 - Small Plan Workshop March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Have you ever wished for the opportunity to discuss your problems with a group of peers? This workshop is an open forum on current problems and issues specific to sponsors of small plans. Topics may include PPA, PAA, IRC 401(a)(26), 410(b), 401(a) (4), 401(a)(17), 415 and 401(a)(9) and PBGC Funding Rules for Small Plans. (This session is not recorded.)

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Small Plan Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.00 EA Non-Core: 0.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

305 - Issues to Watch Out For When Terminating a DB Plan March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Are your clients contemplating terminating their DB plans? If so, do you know how to navigate the PBGC and IRS requirements? Learn about standard and distress terminations, PBGC audits, and how to avoid any pitfalls. Come prepared with your questions. A general understanding of the plan termination process is presumed.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - PBGC/Plan Termination Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

306 - Retirement Income Adequacy: Ratios and Risks March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Rising health care costs, longer life expectancy, market volatility and uncertainty surrounding the future of Social Security leave retiree-hopefuls overwhelmed and confused about ‘just how much is enough’ for retirement. The panelists discuss how you might define and attain what it takes for an individual to get to Retirement Income Adequacy. Speakers also review factors that can affect income adequacy and how current and future retirees may perceive and deal with these risks.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Retirement/Consulting Issues
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

307 - PPA Lump Sum Plans March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Lump sums are in the spotlight. Liberal transition rules under Code Section 417 enable a variety of approaches for annuity plans that pay lump sums to migrate to the PPA basis. Panelists also discuss valuation issues (funding and accounting) for annuity.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - General
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

308 - Plan Document Maintenance March 30, 2009 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

PPA amendments are required by 12/31/2009. Discretionary amendments are “required” every year. Other compliance amendments are on a five or six year schedule. Panelists cover requirements, provide tips for best practices, and discuss how to get a determination letter.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

002 - The Great Unknown: Q & Nas March 31, 2009 8:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Someone once said: "There are known unknowns. That is to say, you know there are some things you do not know.” Actuaries are often faced with difficult choices in deciding how to handle the many questions that have no clear answers in law, regulation, or other guidance. This session will tackle some of the "known unknowns" with respect to the new rules and requirements instituted by the Pension Protection Act of 2006, and with respect to some residual issues as well. Experienced actuaries present their approaches for dealing with some of the more important, commonly asked questions on funding and qualification issues.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

401 - Funding Basics March 31, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

The Pension Protection Act of 2006 rewrote the funding rules applicable to pension plans. Panelists review the basic rules (with examples) for determining the minimum funding requirement and maximum deductible amount for a single employer defined benefit plan. For those actuaries who already understand the new rules, but want to discuss more advanced strategies, see Session 402 and Session 501 (“Minimum Funding - Advanced Topics”) or Session 502 and Session 601 (“PPA Funding: Tactics and Strategies”). For those actuaries who are starting at the beginning Session 101 and Session 202 (“Measuring Assets & Liabilities – Basic”) and Session 102 and Session 201 (“Measuring Liability – Advanced”) are a great introduction to this session. (Repeated at Session 203)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

402 - Minimum Funding - Advanced Topics March 31, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

In this session, panelists explore the complexities of the minimum funding rules, such as how the FSA carryover balance and prefunding balance are tracked and used, how quarterly contributions are determined, and the peculiarities of contribution timing and discounting. For a review of the basic rules, see Session 203 and Session 401 ("Funding Basics"). For a higher level discussion of funding strategies, see Session 502 and Session 601 (“PPA Funding: Tactics & Strategies”). (Repeated at Session 501)

Session Category: Employee Benefits - General
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

403 - IRS Focus Group March 31, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Representatives of the Employee Plans Division of the IRS meet with actuaries attending this session to discuss areas of mutual concern, suggestions for future guidance, and other topics that may arise. Take this opportunity to provide "feedback" to the people in Washington with whom we have the most interaction. (This session is not recorded.)

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

404 - Non-discrimination Rules March 31, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Complex coverage and nondiscrimination rules under 401(a)(4), 410(b), 414(s) and 401(k), affect all our clients. Recent regulatory changes have required actuaries to change some approaches to testing. This session's panelists address specific testing issues including plan aggregation, cross-testing, how to handle frozen plans, etc. Familiarity with the rules by attendees is assumed.

Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

405 - Annual Check-up and Late Breaking Developments March 31, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Just what the doctor ordered -- our panelists take you through a myriad of changes over the last year that affect the health of your plans. And, they give special focus to important developments that occur shortly before the meeting. The session may address rulings, regulations, litigation, and other exciting news.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - New Rulings/Development
Credits: EA Core: 1.35 EA Non-Core: 0.45 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

406 - PPA for Multiemployer - Advanced March 31, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Panelists discuss the new PPA funding rules for multiemployer plans in this advanced session, including funding and plan design strategies.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

407 - Professional Standards Affecting Pension Actuaries March 31, 2009 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

A lot of time is spent worrying about limits placed on our professional judgment by outside bodies -- IRS, FASB, PBGC, etc. If you're looking for an overview of the ASB's Standards affecting pension actuaries issued by our profession, this session is for you! As a bonus, an overview of our current Code of Conduct is presented too.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Professionalism and Policy
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

501 - Minimum Funding - Advanced Topics March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

In this session, panelists explore the complexities of the minimum funding rules, such as how the FSA carryover balance and prefunding balance are tracked and used, how quarterly contributions are determined, and the peculiarities of contribution timing and discounting. For a review of the basic rules, see Session 203 and Session 401 ("Funding Basics"). For a higher level discussion of funding strategies, see Session 502 and Session 601 (“PPA Funding: Tactics & Strategies”). (Repeated at Session 402)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

502 - PPA Funding: Tactics and Strategies March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Transition rules heightened attention to quarterly contributions, benefit restrictions, a bifurcated credit balance, a huge range between required and deductible contributions…PPA is very complex. Speakers discuss considerations and approaches to complying with the new rules without overwhelming sponsors. (Repeated at Session 601)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

503 - Discussion of IRS Gray Book Questions and Answers March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Experienced practitioners involved in the process lead a review of government responses to the Gray Book questions. They comment on responses of particular interest and facilitate a dialogue on practical implications of the responses and alternative approaches where complete answers are not provided.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

504 - Redesigning Retirement Programs - DC Plans for DB Actuaries March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Many defined benefit actuaries are now working on retirement program redesign projects with companies that want to move away from their DB plans and add or improve their DC benefits. The speakers at this session cover approaches to designing such programs that meet company objectives for benefit levels, competitiveness, cost, employee appreciation, etc. The presenters cover specific issues to consider in such a redesign project, including safe harbor 401(k) plans, cross testing, and DB grandfathering.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Defined Contribution Issues
Credits: EA Core: 0.90 EA Non-Core: 0.90 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

505 - 4010 Reporting After PPA March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

New final regulation. New gateway test. New reporting requirements. New lingo. Old e-filing requirement. As a result of PPA, many of you will be dealing with 4010 filings for the first time. With the first 4010 filings due two weeks after the EA meeting, this session is a must for anyone who did not read the new regulation cover to cover. Topics to be covered include: how to determine whether a filing is required (including the new 80% FTAP gateway test and the $15 million funding shortfall waiver), what information needs to be reported (including the nuances of calculating benefit liabilities), and, since electronic filing is required for 4010 reporting, an overview of the e-4010 application.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - PBGC/Plan Termination Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

506 - Public Employee Retirement Systems Workshop March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

This is an open forum on current topics of concern to public plan actuaries. This year the speakers focus the discussion on the issue of market value liability disclosure for public pension plans. Other possible topics include setting funding assumptions, asset valuation methods, recent DROP controversies, and the focus of public interest on the government sector plans in today's economy. (This session is not recorded.)

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Beyond Corporate Retirement Plans
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

507 - Managing Volatility: Plan Design and Investment Strategies March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Both FAS 158 and PPA provide sponsors with strong financial incentives to manage the "gap" between assets and liabilities. See how various plan designs (cash balance, frozen, career average, and final average) can affect results over the long term, and explore investment strategies to reduce the mismatch of asset and liability movements.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Plan Design Issues
Credits: EA Core: 0.90 EA Non-Core: 0.90 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

508 - Cash Balance and Hybrid Plans (Advanced Topics) March 31, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Cash balance and other hybrid plans continue to be a hotly debated topic. In this advanced session, the speakers discuss the latest issues associated with cash balance and other hybrid plans, including design issues, the determination letter process, recent court cases, and what the future holds.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

601 - PPA Funding: Tactics and Strategies March 31, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Transition rules heightened attention to quarterly contributions, benefit restrictions, a bifurcated credit balance, a huge range between required and deductible contributions… PPA is very complex. Speakers discuss considerations and approaches to complying with the new rules without overwhelming sponsors. (Repeat of Session 502)

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

602 - Rethinking FE and LDI March 31, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

FE has brought valuable new insights to pension plan financing, including the important of risk mitigation. One of the outcomes has been the current interest by plan sponsors in pursuing LDI strategies. Of course, the FE view of pension liabilities as fixed income is only an approximation, and plan sponsors’ obligations to fund these liabilities may not be absolute. And the current credit crisis has made it quite clear that the liability measures that plan sponsors actually use can behave very differently from the fixed income strategies that have been developed to track them. Panelists evaluate different approaches to pension financial management in the “real world”, including what works and probably doesn’t work in terms of LDI strategies.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Investment Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.20 EA Non-Core: 0.60 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

603 - Dialogue with the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (JBEA) March 31, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

The Chair and Executive Director of the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries provide an update on Joint Board activities and answer participant’s questions regarding professional, disciplinary, and other topics of interest to EAs. The audience participants are given the opportunity to share their concerns and ideas with the Joint Board.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

604 - Small Plan Design and Technical Issues March 31, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Plan design options from the simple to the most complex with focus on real world issues, common problems and practical solutions are discussed. Examples include safe harbors and general tested formulas.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Small Plan Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.20 EA Non-Core: 0.60 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

605 - Frozen Plans of All Flavors March 31, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Get your soft freeze! Get your hard freeze! So many freezes to choose from. And so many plan sponsors looking. Presenters explore the driving forces behind the freeze phenomena (PPA, new and pending accounting rules, new business and benefits strategies, etc.) and speculate on when and if this phenomena will slow down. Appropriate factors for evaluating a potential freeze for healthy plan sponsors are also discussed, along with the overlooked process of managing the plan (funding strategy, investment policy, compliance) once it is frozen.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Plan Design Issues
Credits: EA Core: 0.90 EA Non-Core: 0.90 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

606 - Multiemployer Plans Workshop March 31, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

This session is an opportunity for multiemployer plan actuaries to engage in "hands on" discussion of problems, issues, and experiences encountered in their practices. (This session is not recorded.)

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Beyond Corporate Retirement Plans
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

607 - PPA Reports -- Only the Facts or Something Useful? March 31, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

You have calculated your PPA funding results and need to put a formal certification together for your client, such as an AFTAP certification and/or a funding report. What do the actuarial standards say you should include? What do the law and regulators require you to include? What additional information might you want to include that enhances the value of your communication?

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Professionalism and Policy
Credits: EA Core: 1.80 CPD: 1.80
Session Handout

701 - PPA Funding – Benefit Restrictions – Advanced April 01, 2009 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

The speakers at this session discuss and compare strategies for avoiding benefit restrictions. Practical considerations surrounding implementing and communicating benefit restrictions, calculating benefits, and the options that must or may be offered to plan participants are also discussed.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

702 - PBGC Update April 01, 2009 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

A panel of PBGC representatives provide an overview of recently published PBGC guidance, highlights from this year’s “Blue Book,” and other issues of interest to actuaries. There is plenty of time for questions from the audience. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with specific technical questions related to a PBGC topic.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - PBGC/Plan Termination Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

703 - Inconvenient Truths April 01, 2009 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Pension actuaries are faced with many rules that may not make sense, but nonetheless are in the law and regulations. PPA and related regulations have introduced more complications, adding new twists and turns that you may not see coming. The panelists review these potential traps, along with tactics on how to manage and deal with them.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Compliance Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

704 - Small Plan Gotchas April 01, 2009 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Small plans can be tricky. Often, the lawmakers create inadvertent pitfalls just when they thought they were helping you out. The panelists’ presentation should help you navigate those gotchas before they attack your small plans.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Small Plan Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

705 - FASB Phase II/International Convergence April 01, 2009 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Where is benefits accounting going? One year ago, Phase II seemed a virtual certainty. Now, convergence with international accounting standards looks like the heavy favorite. Our panel will help you understand what this means for your clients.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Accounting Issues
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

706 - PPA for Single Employer Collectively Bargained Plans April 01, 2009 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

PPA benefit restriction rules singled out collectively bargained plans for special treatment, with delays, unique credit balance rules, and the amendment funding requirements. The change in funding rules requires recognizing plan changes in the year they take effect. Learn how to advise clients on bargaining strategies, funding vs. credit balance decisions, and what to expect in funding the unique plan designs of collectively bargained plans.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

707 - Funding Retiree Welfare Benefits April 01, 2009 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Speakers at this session address funding vehicles for corporate retiree welfare benefits, including such options as 401(h) accounts, VEBAs, and 420 asset transfers. As benefit consultants we must help our clients analyze these prefunding options. Come and hear about the latest trends in this area, including the implications and pros/cons of these alternatives.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Health and Welfare
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

801 - Liability Estimation For Range Certifications April 01, 2009 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Many actuaries need to make range certifications in order to satisfy the requirements of PPA. The panelists discuss considerations and techniques for estimating the liabilities needed for these range certifications. This needs to be a vigorous determination that meets IRS requirements and professional standards. Generally a simple roll forward will not suffice. The panelists address how to reflect changes in interest rates, updates in mortality, changes in demographics and changes in plan provisions. The techniques can also be used for accounting disclosures.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

802 - Introduction to New Schedule SB April 01, 2009 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

One byproduct of PPA is the new Schedule SB. Speakers at this session introduce the Enrolled Actuary to the new Schedule SB, identify where it differs from the 2007 Schedule B and highlight what’s new and what to look out for.

Session Category: Funding and Schedule B Issues
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

803 - Dialogue with IRS and Treasury April 01, 2009 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

A panel of high ranking IRS and Treasury officials field your questions on a number of challenging issues. This is your chance to ask everything you've always wanted to know about guidance.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Professionalism and Policy
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

804 - Corporate In-house Actuaries April 01, 2009 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Are you an in-house actuary? This workshop is for actuaries who work on retirement and other plans sponsored by their employers. Attendees have the opportunity to discuss the special problems and issues they encounter. (This session is not recorded.)

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Retirement/Consulting Issues
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

805 - Current Accounting Topics April 01, 2009 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

What’s hot in benefit plan accounting? Our speakers discuss the latest issues in the world of our accounting friends, including an update on new asset disclosure rules, what auditors are looking for and why, and selection of FAS 35 assumptions. This session does not cover international accounting convergence. (See Session 705 –"FASB Phase II/International Convergence" for international information).

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Accounting Issues
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

806 - The Great GASB! April 01, 2009 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

"The Great GASB!" is back after a one-year name change. Presenters for this classic focus on how public entities are dealing with their emerging OPEB liabilities now that GASB 45 is fully effective for all government phases. Managing and mitigating these liabilities through plan design changes, benefit design changes, and funding are addressed. Selection and justification of the appropriate economic and demographic assumptions are also discussed.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Beyond Corporate Retirement Plans
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

807 - Health Topics for Pension Actuaries April 01, 2009 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Do you help your clients with FAS 106 or GASB 45 valuations? Our panel reviews the important healthcare specific topics you should know about. What are the Qualification Standards and ASOP requirements? Do you have sufficient practical experience to meet the qualification standards for preparing healthcare rates – or are you using a qualified healthcare actuary to assist? What are appropriate short and long term trend rate assumptions? To answer the last question, we discuss a case study of a major program utilizing adjusted Medicare cost trends for the short­term and also discuss the use of the Society of Actuaries’ recently released research paper on long-term health care cost trend rates.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - Health and Welfare
Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
Session Handout

003 - Retirement Policy Under New Congress April 01, 2009 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM

PPA is not the last word in pension legislation. A new Congress and Administration have a new perspective on pensions and Social Security. Veteran Washington policy advisors discuss the prospects and outlook for new Federal pension, retirement and Social Security policies.

Session Category: Employee Benefits - New Rulings/Development
Credits: EA Core: 0.60 EA Non-Core: 1.20 CPD: 1.80
  • 1 . Amy C. Viener Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 2 . Neela K. Ranade
  • 3 . Paul L. Meiere WTW
  • 1 . John H. Lowell October Three Consulting LLC
  • 2 . Max Schwartz Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
  • 3 . David H. Cohn SullivanCotter
  • 4 . Mark T. Dungan WTW
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Ethan E. Kra Ethan E. Kra Actuarial Services LLC
  • 2 . Kyle N. Brown U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • 3 . John H. Lowell October Three Consulting LLC
  • 1 . David R. Godofsky Alston & Bird, LLP
  • 2 . Brian C. Donohue October Three LLC
  • 1 . Lawrence J. Sher October Three LLC
  • 2 . Robert E. Walter Mercer
  • 1 . Thomas G. Vicente Bolton Partners, Inc.
  • 2 . Dean Aloise Gallagher
  • 1 . Deborah A. Tully WTW
  • 2 . Leslie A. McIntosh Weyerhaeuser Company
  • 1 . Jerrold Dubner PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
  • 2 . John A. Potts Deloitte Consulting LLP
  • 1 . Mark Olleman Milliman Inc.
  • 2 . James J. Rizzo Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company
  • 1 . Donald J. Segal
  • 2 . James E. Holland Cheiron, Inc.
  • 3 . Martin L. Pippins American Society of Enrolled Actuaries
  • 4 . Harlan M. Weller U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • 5 . Susan E. McDonald Loren D Stark
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Donald J. Segal
  • 2 . Elizabeth Goodman U.S. Department of Labor
  • 3 . Zenaida M. Samaniego U.S. Department of Labor
  • 4 . Stephanie Cibinic Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 5 . Susan Halliday U.S. Department of Labor
  • 6 . Amy Carter Sullivan Transamerica Retirement Solutions
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Donald J. Segal
  • 2 . Carolyn E. Zimmerman
  • 3 . Patrick W. McDonough Joint Bd. for the Enrollment of Actuaries
  • 4 . Susan E. McDonald Loren D Stark
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Donald J. Segal
  • 2 . Kenneth A. Steiner
  • 1 . Eric A. Keener Aon
  • 2 . John D. Steele WTW
  • 1 . Ben L. Upchurch Milliman Inc.
  • 2 . Susan L. Breen-Held
  • 1 . Laura M. Camisa WTW
  • 1 . Laura M. Camisa WTW
  • 2 . Thomas Michael Skiavo Mercer
  • 2 . Thomas Michael Skiavo Mercer
  • 1 . Brian C. Donohue October Three LLC
  • 2 . Ethan E. Kra Ethan E. Kra Actuarial Services LLC
  • 3 . Michael E. Clark Principal Financial Group
  • 4 . Tonya B. Manning Gallagher
  • 1 . Dale H. Yamamoto Red Quill Consulting
  • 2 . Christopher M. Bone Edth Ltd LLC
  • 1 . Adam J. Reese PRM Consulting Group
  • 2 . Dale H. Yamamoto Red Quill Consulting
  • 1 . Donald J. Segal
  • 2 . Tonya B. Manning Gallagher
  • 1 . Fred A. Peterson Craftsman Enterprises
  • 2 . Michael W. Spaid Internal Revenue Service
  • 1 . Donald J. Segal
  • 2 . James E. Holland Cheiron, Inc.
  • 3 . Martin L. Pippins American Society of Enrolled Actuaries
  • 4 . Andrew Zuckerman Internal Revenue Service
  • 1 . Lonie A. Hassel Groom Law Group
  • 2 . Bela Palli Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 3 . Fred A. Peterson Craftsman Enterprises
  • 4 . Keith T. Sartain U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
  • 1 . Bruce Cadenhead Mercer
  • 2 . Tonya B. Manning Gallagher
  • 1 . Chad A. Hueffmeier Mercer
  • 2 . Elena V. Black The Terry Group
  • 1 . Laura Sparks Stewart Findley
  • 2 . Howard J. Small Lynchval Systems Worldwide Inc.
  • 1 . Laura Sparks Stewart Findley
  • 2 . Howard J. Small Lynchval Systems Worldwide Inc.
  • 1 . Graeme Sommerville PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
  • 1 . Graeme Sommerville PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
  • 2 . Carolyn E. Zimmerman
  • 2 . Carolyn E. Zimmerman
  • 3 . James C. Glick Retired
  • 3 . James C. Glick Retired
  • 4 . Leslie M. Olds Aon
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Chester D. Andrzejewski U.S. Department of Labor
  • 1 . Chester D. Andrzejewski U.S. Department of Labor
  • 2 . Jess McGrath Fidelity Investments
  • 2 . Jess McGrath Fidelity Investments
  • 3 . Leslie M. Olds Aon
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Thomas B. Lowman
  • 2 . James J McKeogh The McKeogh Company
  • 1 . Sheila Kalkunte American Academy of Actuaries
  • 2 . Andrew J. Peterson Society of Actuaries
  • 3 . Karen Nowiejski Smith Nova Pension Valuations LLC
  • 1 . Janice Harbold Aon
  • 2 . Scott A Hittner October Three Consulting LLC
  • 1 . Robert E. Walter Mercer
  • 2 . Monica L. Gajdel Aon
  • 3 . Stephanie Cibinic Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 4 . Mark T. Dungan WTW
  • 1 . Harold J. Ashner Keightley & Ashner, LLP
  • 2 . Kelly Lynn Karger Alvarez & Marsal
  • 1 . Amy C. Viener Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 2 . C. David Gustafson
  • 3 . Kristina Archeval Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 4 . Ajit Gadre Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 5 . Catherine B. Klion Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 1 . Richard A. Hochman Actuarial Systems Corporation
  • 2 . Emily W. Mao Alston & Bird, LLP
  • 3 . Susan E. McDonald Loren D Stark
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Eli Greenblum
  • 2 . Darren Michael French Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
  • 3 . Rhonda Migdail Keightley & Ashner LLP
  • 1 . Larry Howard Weitzner Horizon Actuarial Services, LLC
  • 2 . Jeanette R. Cooper Segal
  • 1 . Jason J. Malone Aon
  • 2 . Stephen A. Robb
  • 1 . Ellen L. Kleinstuber Bolton Partners, Inc.
  • 2 . Mark T. Dungan WTW
  • 3 . Kent A. Mason Davis & Harman LLP
  • 4 . James E. Holland Cheiron, Inc.
  • 5 . Rachel Robinson FTI Consulting
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Maria M. Sarli WTW
  • 2 . Stuart A. Sirkin Ernst & Young, LLP
  • 3 . Ellen L. Kleinstuber Bolton Partners, Inc.
  • 4 . Rachel Robinson FTI Consulting
  • 1 . Patrick Andrew Ward WTW
  • 2 . David R. Jarrett Gallagher
  • 1 . Brian C. Donohue October Three LLC
  • 1 . Brian C. Donohue October Three LLC
  • 2 . Ellen L. Kleinstuber Bolton Partners, Inc.
  • 2 . Ellen L. Kleinstuber Bolton Partners, Inc.
  • 3 . Gloria S. Lesmeister Nova 401(k) Associates
  • 3 . Gloria S. Lesmeister Nova 401(k) Associates
  • 1 . Brian C. Donohue October Three LLC
  • 2 . James E. Holland Cheiron, Inc.
  • 3 . Michael E. Clark Principal Financial Group
  • 1 . Kenneth A. Steiner
  • 2 . John H. Moore The Terry Group
  • 1 . Sheila Kalkunte American Academy of Actuaries
  • 2 . Frank Todisco U.S. Government Accountability Office
  • 1 . Paul Angelo
  • 2 . Karen I. Steffen
  • 1 . Alex M. Brucker Brucker & Morra
  • 2 . Michael J. Roach Internal Revenue Service
  • 1 . Maria M. Sarli WTW
  • 2 . Sandra Pappa Gallagher
  • 3 . William G. Young Aon
  • 4 . Kelley McFarland Elliott Delta Air Lines, Inc.
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . Jerry Mingione The Terry Group
  • 2 . R. Evan Inglis Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
  • 1 . Stephen M. McGivney PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
  • 2 . Emily K. Kessler Society of Actuaries
  • 3 . Kelley McFarland Elliott Delta Air Lines, Inc.
    (Session Assistant)
  • 1 . David R. Godofsky Alston & Bird, LLP
  • 2 . James M. Delaplane Davis and Harman LLP
  • 3 . Mark J. Warshawsky WTW
  • 4 . Carolyn E. Smith Alston & Bird, LLP
  • 1 . Lawrence Deutsch Larry Deutsch Enterprises
  • 2 . Thomas J. Finnegan CBIZ Retirement Plan Services
  • 1 . Richard A. Hochman Actuarial Systems Corporation
  • 2 . Howard P. Rosenfeld The Retirement Advantage
  • 1 . Kevin Joseph Donovan Pinnacle Plan Design, LLC
  • 2 . Mark K. Dunbar Dunbar Bender & Zapf Inc.
  • 1 . Lawrence Deutsch Larry Deutsch Enterprises
  • 2 . Marjorie R. Martin Gallagher
  • 1 . Scott F. Porter Milliman Inc.
  • 2 . Alisa Ann Bennett Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting LLC
  • 1 . David R. Godofsky Alston & Bird, LLP
  • 1 . Donald J. Segal
  • 2 . Heidi Rackley
  • 4 . Eric A. Keener Aon
  • 5 . Tonya B. Manning Gallagher
  • 6 . Harlan M. Weller U.S. Department of the Treasury