Pension Symposium


Session Handout

Pension Symposium: Retirement Security – Where Are We Headed? Private and Public Sector Challenges a April 13, 2009 11:00 PM - 11:00 PM

The clichéd three legged stool of retirement security in the US is wobbly at best. As the nation continues to focus its policy efforts on health care reform, can retirement security reform be far behind?

Each year for the past seven years, we’ve set aside an extra day immediately following the Enrolled Actuaries Meeting to dive deeply into some of the key retirement issues of the day. This year’s Pension Symposium promises to be another provocative event in the series as we explore the challenges of providing retirement security in the years ahead.

The Symposium consists of four sessions – two on Wednesday afternoon and two on Thursday morning. The format of the Symposium is designed specifically to encourage participation and discussion among attendees. Panelists in each session will provide background and context to set the stage for the open discussion of these important topics. The panelists will be drawn from employers, union groups, lobbyists, Congressional Committee staff s, think tanks, the Administration, consulting firms, etc.

Session Category: Unassigned
Credits: EA Non-Core: 8.40 CPD: 8.40