Ethical Dilemmas Webinar




Session Handout

Ethical Dilemmas December 04, 2019 11:30 AM - 1:10 PM

In this webinar, the speakers use case studies to review and discuss some of the ethical dilemmas and challenges that actuaries face every day, and identify possible alternatives for handling these challenges. Some of the issues the speakers may discuss include the following:

  • When is it ethical for an actuary to work on matters outside of his or her experience and training?
  • What are the ethical issues for an actuary moving from (1) working on large DB plans to small DB plans, (2) working on private plans to public plans or multiemployer plans (and vice versa) and (3) working on defined benefit plans to OPEB plans?
  • What are the ethical issues for an actuary who retired but subsequently wants to provide actuarial services to various parties, either as a volunteer or on a fee-for-service basis?
  • When an actuary sees work from another actuary that appears to be wrong, what are the ethical issues facing both actuaries?

Session Category: Cross Discipline
Credits: EA Ethics: 2.00 CPD: 2.00
  • 1 . Lance J Weiss Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company
  • 2 . Richard A. Block
  • 3 . David L. Driscoll Gallagher
  • 4 . Carol R. Sears