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Retiree Drug Plans: Creditable Coverage, EGWP, and Changes Under the IRA Webinar


Retiree Drug Plans: Creditable Coverage, EGWP, and Changes Under the IRA
February 21, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

In this CCA health series webinar, speakers discuss the history and current landscape of drug coverage options for group retirees: creditable coverage and employer group waiver plans (EGWP). Additionally, there are many changes coming to the Medicare market in 2025 and beyond from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Speakers provide perspectives on these changes and how they will impact group drug coverage in the near future.

Session Category
Health & Welfare
CPD: 1.50
  • 1 . Ali Marie Heinrich Milliman
  • 2 . Todd Wanta Milliman
  • 3 . Adam J. Reese PRM Consulting Group