Gerald Coil

Contact Information
Jerry Coil has over 40 years experience in managed care and primary care based delivery systems. The past twenty years have been spent in “C-Suite,” positions with large health care enterprises which include one of California’s largest medical management services organizations, CEO of an international behavioral health services company and COO of a large publicly traded Medicare Advantage Plan. He spent two years at one the largest FQHC’s in the country, assisting in the development of quality improvement, care integration, managed care strategy and management information services infrastructure. Most recently he served as Senior Executive Fellow at the California Health Care Foundation, based in Oakland. His work focused on care integration and alternative payment models. He has also served as senior an advisor to the California Primary Care Association, a shared services and advocacy organization representing California Community Clinics. He is regarded as an innovator in patient care delivery systems and was an early pioneer in the use of population data to craft interventions to improve outcomes. He is currently semi-retired and does some limited consulting.

Open Forum: Actuarial Impact of Medicaid Expansion (or Not) 2015 Health Reform Meeting (April 15, 2015)

Payment Reform & Quality Measurement: Effective Provider Risk Management 2015 Health Reform Meeting (April 15, 2015)