Karan Rustagi MAAA ASA

Consulting Actuary, Wakely Consulting Group

Contact Information
Wakely Consulting Group
9777 Pyramid Court
Suite 260
Englewood, CO 80112
Phone: 607-351-5161
Email: karanr@wakely.com
Karan Rustagi, ASA, MAAA, Consulting Actuary has over 8 years of experience as a healthcare actuary. Karan came to Wakely from Milliman where he helped initiate and lead Milliman Denver Health practice’s healthcare reform group during the early years of reform. At Wakely, Karan has been developing ACA pricing tools as well as managing ACA on- and off-exchange rate filings and reviewing rate filings on behalf of several states’ departments of insurance. Karan has been helping small to mid-sized provider-owned health plans develop and price commercial products and advise them on risk adjustment strategies. He has also helped Wakely develop a competitive and robust commercial actuarial value calculator enabling our consultants to accurately price benefits in in ACA and non-ACA markets. Karan will be serving as a project lead.

Healthcare Reform: Lessons Learned Healthcare Reform: Lessons Learned Audio/Webcast (January 27, 2016)