With over 30 years in employee benefits, John focuses on pension consulting for a wide variety of public and private sector clients. He founded Bartel Associates to serve public sector agencies, emphasizing quality, personal attention, and clear results at reasonable fees. Clients rely on John’s ability to apply complex regulations in understandable ways.
John is one of two actuaries appointed by former Governor Schwarzenegger to the California actuarial advisory panel (CAAP) formed under recent legislation (SB 1123). CAAP will provide impartial and independent information on pensions, other post-employment benefits, and best practices to California public agencies. John Bartel served as consultant for the California state office of finance to former governor Schwarzenegger's public employee post-employment benefits commission, charged with review of policy regarding the state’s public employee retirement benefits.
John Bartel was a member of the special task force which assisted GASB in drafting Statements No. 43 and 45 and he is also on the current advisory task force for the GASB project revising and updating GASB 45.
John specializes in:
CalPERS public agency consulting;
helping clients understand actuarial, accounting, and regulatory issues;
retiree healthcare plan valuation, study, and design;
retirement plan review, valuation, and design;
employee benefit merger and acquisition issues.
Practice Area(s)
- Retirement
- Health & Welfare
- Life
- Casualty
- Other
Current CCA Committees
Prior Service on CCA Committees
CCA Speaking Engagements