An Overview of New IRS Section 430 Regulations


Session Handout

An Overview of New IRS Section 430 Regulations October 01, 2015 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

They say good things come to those who wait. For those waiting for the 2008 proposed Section 430 regulations to be finalized, the wait is over! On September 9, 2015, final Treasury regulations providing guidance on the determination of minimum required contributions under IRC Section 430 were published. To educate actuaries on the key provisions of these final regulations, the Conference of Consulting Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries are sponsoring a special audio/webcast.

Join us on October 1, 2015 for an overview of what is - and is not - covered in these regulations. Our panel also delves more deeply into the key provisions of Section 430 addressed in the regulations, including:

  • Standing elections to use funding balances to satisfying quarterly contribution requirements;
  • Contribution allocation and ordering rules;
  • Some rules for end-of-year valuations for small plans;
  • Short plans years (including treatment of terminating plans);
  • Liquidity shortfall requirements and their impact on the minimum required contribution; and
  • Excise taxes for unpaid minimum required contributions.

Other provisions and unanswered questions are addressed during the presentation.

Session Category: Retirement
Credits: EA Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
  • 1 . Ellen L. Kleinstuber Bolton Partners, Inc.
  • 2 . James E. Holland Cheiron, Inc.
  • 3 . Tonya B. Manning Gallagher