Precept 10 of the Code of Conduct
December 12, 2018 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Precept 10 of the Actuarial Code of Conduct requires actuaries to perform Actuarial Services with courtesy and professional respect and to cooperate with others in the Principal’s interest. Annotation 10-5 clarifies that “When a Principal has given consent for a new or additional actuary to consult with an Actuary with respect to a matter for which the Actuary is providing or has provided Actuarial Services, the Actuary shall cooperate in furnishing relevant information.” Annotation 10-5 adds that “The Actuary need not provide any items of a proprietary nature, such as internal communications or computer programs.”
- What does Precept 10 mean for a prior actuary when responding to a request for information from a successor actuary?
- What does Precept 10 mean for a current actuary when responding to a request for information from an auditing actuary?
- Is there any rational to support providing different levels of information to a successor actuary versus an auditing actuary?
- Are sample lives (i.e., test cases) considered proprietary information?
- Is the backup information/data for graphs considered proprietary information?
- What else is considered proprietary information?
Speakers at this audio/webcast present their different perspectives on this subject
Session Category: Professionalism
Credits: EA Ethics: 1.50 CPD: 1.50